What is KompoZer?
(call it as composer) is software which is being used to make the
webpages without having the knowledge of HTML, i.e., we can design a
webpage just as if we are making a word document* (following few rules
and adjusting some things).
Outline of KompoZer (Composer):
Composer has wide range of tools, like MS Word's text editing tools,
images ...etc., to make a webpage.
First of all select the Preview Tab which is present at the bottom of
the window (Shown the image below)
As you can see from the window there are many tools to make a webpage
(Zoom the page in case of confusion)
There are different kinds of important menus in composer. They are:
- File: This
menu has options to open a new file, save a file, open a saved file
- Edit: This menu
has options like Undo, Redo, Paste, Find, ....etc..,
- Insert: It has
options to insert some elements like Images, Tables, Horizontal lines,
Characters ....etc..,
- Format: It has
options to edit text in terms of font, color, style, spacing between
lines ....etc..,
- Table: It has
option to edit the tables like inserting them, deleting them, selecting
them ....etc..,
The different kinds of toolbars are as follows:
Text Toolbar:
It consists of tools to re-size, select the
style, align, color the text.
Paragraph Toolbar:
It consists of the tools to edit the properties of paragraph.
Creating a File in Composer:
Creating a file in composer is as easy as making a MS Word file.
- First open Composer, new Blank Document is already
present in it.
- Now select the Preview
tab present in the bottom of the window.
- Now start typing as you do in MS Word.
- At the end save the file using Save option in File menu with the desired name you
To add the Bullets as shown in the above insttructions, just select the lines which you want to
arrange by dragging the pointer and select the Bullets option in the Paragraph ToolBar. This can also be
done with List option in the Format menu and select style of
list you want.
Inserting Images:
To insert an image, following are the steps to be followed:
- Go to the main toolbar and select Image option.
- A Dialog box of Image(Fig.4) appears.
- In the Location tab
select the Image Location
option and the select the location of the file.
- Select the option 'URL
is relative to page location'.(In case not selected).
- Select the option 'Don't
use alternate text'.
- Now navigate to the Dimensions
- Set the size of the Image using Custom Size or select the Actual Size option.
- Now navigate to the Appearance
- In order to set the position of the image from
left/right use Left and Right
- In order to set the Border around the image use Solid
Border option (but not recomended).
- In order to set the Image completely to left, use Wrap to right option.
- In order to set the Image completely to right, use Wrap to left option.
- Click on OK to
insert the image.
*Remember - Image gets
inserted from the position where the text pointer is.
Inserting a Horizontal line: This
can be done by going to the Insert
menu and selecting Horizontal line option
Inserting a table :
- For inserting a table go to main toolbar and select Table option.
- Then you will get a dialog box with Quick tab selected.
You can select no. of rows & columns in it.
- If you want more than columns or rows shown in Quick
tab, then go to Precisely tab
set the no. of columns and rows manually.
In this way we can create our content in webpages without knowledge of
HTML using KompoZer.
Credits: Upendra Sai Teja
Copyright ThinkMerit. All rights